On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Kevin Deane [email protected] wrote:
I did not mean for my sarcasim to be insulting, I gather they must go hand in hand, my opologies...
We're sensitive on the AMSAT-BB, aren't we? ;)
Goes to show it can be done. Roger I think said something about a downconverter, I do have an old 10-meter maybe that will work. Still would like to make a 2-meter and a 70cm SSB radio probly have to be two kits.
I'd *love* to see a kit, something suitable for beginners (and more of an assembly of large parts and not so much soldering) such as the Elecrafts for HF — but for a small SSB rig suitable for full-duplex satellite use on VHF and UHF. It still amazes me that the IC-W32A is the only recent crossband HT like that.
So get to designing! Maybe if you reached out to the Elecraft folk they'd give you some ideas.
Bryan Green KL7CN Usually /W6 in CM98fn 408-836-7279