At 01:18 PM 6/2/2010, Greg D. wrote:
One problem with the Yaesu 736R is that when the rig is under computer control you can't grab the tuning knob and hunt around the passband for someone to talk to. "Tuning" directed by computer is agonizingly slow and tedious, taking about a second per change, so that's out. And since the rig's frequency cannot be read by the computer, you can't hunt manually and then lock things in on the computer. (I suppose I could re-write my CAT client to allow me to visually read the frequency off the display and type it in, but that would be tedious too...)
That does make things a pain. It's a pity that the radio can't talk back to the computer, which would have been a nice addition.
go manual from there. If you run full manual often enough, it becomes second nature. I used to be able to find myself on RS-10 in just a few seconds, anywhere in the passband. But that was a REAL "EasySat".
Well, I had no problems flying the RS birds manually, and I have done the Fujis as well.
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com