This is welcome and it took entirely too long. Its effectiveness will entirely be determined by enforcement: swift and sure.
73's Bob N4HY
On 1/14/2010 12:25 PM, Gould Smith wrote:
AMSAT adopts Use Policy for AMSAT mail lists
The AMSAT Board of Directors unanamously adopted an Acceptable Use Policy for the AMSAT Public Mailing Lists on January 5, 2010. This policy takes effect immediately and applies to all those using the AMSAT mailing lists.
The policy can be read below in text format or is available via a link on the front page of the amsat.org Web site or directly from this link http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/images/fck_images/AMSAT%20AUP.pdf
Following the October 2009 AMSAT Board meeting Gould Smith, WA4SXM AMSAT VP of User Services appointed a committe to develop a use policy for the mailing lists. The members of the committe did an outstanding job of putting together a document that is acceptable to all the committe members and was passed without change by the BoD. Thank you to the committee members: Stephen Belter, N9IP; Alan Biddle, WA4SCA ; Mark Hammond, N8MH; Samudra Haque, N3RDX ;and Paul Williamson,KB5MU.
The policy will be added to the AMSAT Web site and included as part of the process when applying to join any of the AMSAT mailing lists.