Myles, I have had one of the original LVB units AMSAT made as the fundraiser(visit AMSAT website to purchase). It has worked flawlessly. It is a bit of a challenge to put it in place and calibrate if you have NOT ever set up something like this before. I have had many experiences doing so and it didn't take long for me to have it up and running. Putting the USB software to run it via your computer may take some re-reading of the instructions but it all comes out easy and simple to let happen. I use this under PCsat32 and also NOVA. Tracks fine. I use a second one to demo at hamfests with a portable setup to show how it functions. I also did this at Field Day for my local club with the help of another AMSAT veteran. It has been a great addition to my shack to make it one less thing I have to worry about while making these LEO passes work. P.S. I can't wait for an HEO to buzz up the satellite activity- I'll be at Sussex County, NJ Hamfest 7/12/09 to demo this WX permitting.
73, Dee, NB2F NJ AMSAT Coordinator
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of myles landstein Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:18 AM To: Subject: [amsat-bb] LVB
Just wondering if anyone out there using the LVB, could drop me a line and let me know their opinions and experience with it
Going to Dayton '10 It will get better with more support!
Myles D Landstein N2EHG
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