----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce Bostwick" lihan161051@sbcglobal.net To: amsat-bb@amsat.org Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 7:54 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: 'Zombie-sat' and the clever orbital dance
They will need a space fly swatter... More seriously some kind of solution will have to be found to discard useless space debris and junk.
I would venture to guess that we will develop the ability to gather and deorbit much of the higher-orbit space junk at around the same time that the junk density reaches a critical level as to become hazardous...provided that we don't nuke ourselves back into the stone-ages in the meantime! ;) I wonder if the satellite operators might soon be forced by regulators to put efforts into developting this ability, just as they are supposed to provide for end-of-life adjustments to "graveyard" orbit now?