... Remember Apollo 12?
Message: 8 Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 22:03:01 -0700 From: Rick Tejera [email protected] To: Clint Bradford [email protected] Cc: AMSAT BB [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Would NASA Ever Launch in this Weather? Message-ID: [email protected] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
And mission saved because EECOM controller remembered a test that had the same garbled pattern on his screen. He told the crew (through the Capcom) to "Try SCE to Aux". The NY other person who knew what he meant was LMP Alan Bean. Fortunately the switch was by his head. He flipped it and telemetry was restored.
Among flight controllers the term SCE to Aux is considered legendary.
Btw, SCE stands go Signal Conditioning Equipment. The SCE converts raw signals from instrumentation to standard voltages for the spacecraft instrument displays and telemetry encoders.
Sent from my iPod Rick Tejera Editor, SACnews Saguaro Astronomy Club www.saguaroastro.org K7TEJ
On Nov 13, 2011, at 21:51, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
Touche, Rick. Two lightning strikes ... ABORT handle grasped for minutes
... Remember Apollo 12?
Check out this transcript. Notice that PA makes no mention whatever of the problem? I remember (and actually heard in real time) the "Program Alarm 1201" calls (and was worried before Walter and Wally noticed, as I recall) on Apollo 11, but I don't remember the SCE to Aux call at all. They must have switched it back before TLI, right? Surely they would not head off to the moon with no backup...
Burns, W2BFJ (who also knew they had landed before Walter..."Contact light...engines stop." Wait several seconds, they are still talking. They must have landed!)