9 Nov
9 Nov
9:51 a.m.
Art was one of my first QSOs on 2 meters, he gave me my first signal reports when I got my radio club's repeater in Boston back in operation. He loaned out some of his HF equipment to a (then) new Tech Plus ham to get him on the air, and you could count on him to be on the FM sats or scanning the VHF/UHF bands. I would guess that a large number of people, not only in AMSAT but in the general amateur radio community, were touched by his generosity. He was the embodiment of the Amateur's Code, and I, like many, will morn his passing.
David Goncalves W1EUJ
On 11/8/07, Anthony Monteiro [email protected] wrote:
At 08:29 PM 11/8/2007, MM wrote:
Arthur Z. Rowe, N1ORZ Silent Key
On or about Tuesday November 6 2007, Arthur Z. Rowe became a Silent Key.