For those who are using WiFi 802,G beam on S band
I just found that my Pacific Wireless WIMAX VA 25 -16 antenna for 2.4GHZ has a bandwidth starting at 2.5ghz to 2.7ghz (www.pacwireless.com) Even if at theses frequencies things are a bit larger i'm guessing the 16db gain figures are surely not standing at 2.4ghz. Did any one have a ball game figures of what remains at 2.4ghz? I have no way to measure SWR at this frequency and this is surely not optimal?
Conclusion don't jump too fast on some hamfest deal as what's good for WiFI is not always so good at 2.4ghz!
P.S. I can use the antenna on 2.4ghz and i got fairly good signal from AO-51 when he's in S mode but i cannot get rid out of the fades. Could be i found why?
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE