This has to be one of the silliest arguments I’ve ever heard. It was a prudent business decision to take the money being offered during extraordinary times to keep the cash flowing. There was no doubt that the virus impacted income with the cancellation of Hamvention, an annual event where AMSAT has historically done pretty well signing up new members and raising funds.
Hundreds of thousands of perfectly “healthy" corporations took those loans because it was a smart thing to do.
If you believe the few thousand dollars taken by AMSAT out of the hundreds of billions of dollars of government loans made available across America somehow kept your "friends and family" from getting their share of that pie then you haven’t a clue how that program worked.
This is the weakest of many weak arguments for replacing the current BoD after a good year of progress despite considerable headwinds from a couple of new Board members and their allies.
Jeff, KE9V
On Aug 4, 2020, at 8:22 PM, Jeff Johns via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
If all is well, why did AMSAT take out a Government loan when many of us had friends and family that lost businesses because they truly needed a loan and couldn’t get one?