31 Jan
31 Jan
10:52 a.m.
Please QRT all transmissions to PCsat to save power for COMMANDing.
PCSAT (W3ADO-1) is entering its 3 day RECOVERY window this year starting 31 Jan.
Today we got logged on for commanding twice, but both times user packets killed the bird.
At best PCSAT can usually only save up enough power for 2 or 3 solid packets per pass and we need 3 successfully for command and recover. One user packet in the middle of that and we lose it for the pass.
MY fault for not making this announcement earlier. Not their fault. But if you see this email and you are transmitting to PCsat, please QRT for the next several days.
Commanding is being done from the East and West coast of the USA and over Germany.
USNA Command Station