On Aug 23, 2009, at 7:49 AM, Michael Baker wrote:
If that's the case, I think I would opt for a K3 with transverters as that would be a better combination performance wise for the $$$ investment.
While the raw performance of a K-3 is pretty impressive, it will cost a lot more to reproduce the new ICOM-9100, or even the current TS-2000, with a K-3 and even then, you will not have the ability to do full duplex, which is required for serious satellite work. A modestly equipped K-3 with 10W 2M output will set you back $2700 or more, you need to add a 100W 2M amplifier at about $400, a 432 MHz transverter at $400, a 432 MHz amplifier at $400, a 75 Watt amp at $400, and a 1296 MHz transverter at $600, so you are close to $5k, still without the capability to do duplex for satellites.
For sheer performance you are better off with the K-3, but you pay for it, and serious satellite use is precluded. - Duffey -- KK6MC James Duffey Cedar Crest NM