Actually, the accent is from the Dominican Republic. In the recording we hear two callsigns, HI3EAS and KM4MDF. I'll be glad to shot him an email. Just let me know which frequency were they using.
73 Fernando, NP4JV
On Jul 25, 2016 10:23 AM, "Dave Mann" cwo4mann@comcast.net wrote:
I re-listened to the audio. Indeed, the call was KD4MDF. His accent was definitely central American Spanish. Most likely a Hispanic-American; the way he used the phrase "y yo lo creo" is a colloquial Spanish expression used by many Mexican-Americans. Literally translated it means "ok, I got that". It really means " .. and, yes, that is it ..." If he were European Spanish (the Mother-tongue) he would have said " Y Ya lo creo". There are so many distinct accents and little catch phrases in Spanish it it just like English. When I was in Spain, locals would immediately identify me as having learned Spanish from a Mexican. FYI my mother was raised by a Mexican Nanny who was Poncho Villa's youngest sister. I have lots of QSOs in Spanish as well as having done voice intercept operations for years, so I am sort of attuned, as it were. Never have a problem on CW, however :-). BTW, if you listen to the drug traffickers on 40 meters, you will hear that they have "zapatas" (shoes) --- those are kilos of heroin. Enough of this off-topic stuff already!
Hasta lo Pronto mi Compadres (Compañeros if you are Cuban)
Dave N4CVX ex-VP2EHF, KR6DEM, DA1BB, /HP, G5, HS1, etc.)
Sent from my iPad
On Jul 25, 2016, at 11:08, Andrew Glasbrenner <
glasbrenner@mindspring.com> wrote:
I've been told the email server choked yesterday and was fixed this AM.
I'm not sure on the formatting issue.
73, Drew KO4MA
On Jul 24, 2016, at 9:34 PM, R.T.Liddy k8bl@ameritech.net wrote:
Question: If I posted this at 2:02 PM EDT, why does it take until 8:46 PM to get
forwarded by the AMSAT-BB ? ? ? The formatting gets fouled-up, too, with the sentences run together.
Just curious..... 73, Bob K8BL
From: R.T.Liddy <k8bl@ameritech.net>
To: AMSAT BB amsat-bb@amsat.org Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:02 PM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] FO-29 QRM
Drew, The Spanish-speaker's Call sounds like KD4MDF after listeningto it
multiple times. Kilo-Delta-Cuatro-Mike-Delta-Fauxtrot He slurs the last letter. That listing is from Orlando, FL. Heprobably doesn't realize that he's on a SAT uplink freq.
The foul-mouthed Anglo guy sounds like a Trucker in motion. GL/73, Bob K8BL
From: Andrew Glasbrenner <glasbrenner@mindspring.com>
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:31 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] FO-29 QRM
Just now on FO-29, I observed and recorded part of some strong FM QRM.
signals corresponded to an uplink of 145.900, and were from at least two sources, as there was a Spanish language QSO (of which I caught one US callsign), and a possibly non-amateur QSO in English with a northeastern accent and foul language. One or more of these may be originating from
Echolink node or similar gateway outside of the identifying station's control. I want to put this recording out there for anyone who might
know or
recognize the stations, and anyone that may hear something I didn't. The recording ends at about 16:08:15Z today.
73, Drew KO4MA
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