Curt, I think I heard you in there, but there might have been too many stations on there for me to call you.
The reason we talk fast is because of what someone already mentioned, AO-51 goes by pretty quickly. It's a very popular satellite, and the typical QSO is like a DX QSO on HF; with the exception that we exchange the grid, for those working towards VUCC.
Many of the AO-51 users realize that if they talk for a long time, that only cuts down the number of stations that can use the satellite during that pass.
Now if you want to be able to talk a little longer, I suggest you use SO-50, which is underutilized in my opinion. SO-50 requires a PL tone of 67.0, otherwise no one will hear you. I suppose that might be one reason why it is underutilized. A lot of hams may not realize that, and can't figure out why they can't hear themselves on the bird, and they give up. If you are able to work AO-51, you can work SO-50, so long as your radio can do PL.
I don't know the history of SO-50, but my guess is that it was decided to use a PL tone, because of QRM from non-licensed hams using high powered 'cordless phones' sold in some countries, and perhaps some illegal users on 2 meters in other parts of the world. Once you've been on AO-51 for a few days, you will realize what I'm saying!
Now if you really want to chew the rag, then you need to get on one of the SSB birds, such as FO-29 or VO-52; that is, if you have the proper equipment. There you will find that a pass can last a lot longer than AO-51, and not be limited to one 'channel'. But unfortunately as well, you will find those to be much more severely underutilized.
73 de W4AS Sebastian
On Nov 22, 2008, at 10:14 PM, Curt Nixon wrote:
Oh...very cool.
Made my 2 very first ever sat QSO's on the 1830 pass of AO51.
Simple radios, simple setup, simple(Cheap) Yagis.
Man you guys talk fast!!!
Curt KU8L