Members DO read.
The AMSAT-NA board’s three-page letter explained the intimate details of a couple responsible business decisions. They felt the organization was being threatened, and they responded in a mature, responsible manner.
Members should demand no less.
And - again - membership dues were not used for these business expenses.
Clint Bradford K6LCS 909-999-SATS
On Jul 12, 2020, at 1:13 PM, wrote:
f you care about the AMSAT organization continuing to help hams in space communications, please read and reread Patrick's and Michelle's explanations.? They layout exactly what happened. Now we learn that the expenditure is over 16k. That is 363 memberships, if this retired engineer's math is correct. This is money wasted to beat down two members who want transparency and progress. This was not right. Our money was wasted! I am anxious for the election.
Again, I ask that members do not resign over this. That helps nobody and hurts out hobby, which has already taken a huge hit. Solve this with your voting privilege.