Here is a fascinating story about a Lottie doll, spawned by the mind of a young girl, getting an ISS ride-along..
73 de Dennis KD7CAC Scottsdale, AZ
On Dec 4, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Jeff [email protected] wrote:
I remember in, I think 1998, I was working Valery on the MIR on a regular basis. On this particular night it was my son's birthday and as I was into an almost daily chat with him he wanted to wish my son a happy birthday. We went outside to watch the pass, my son and I chatted with Val as we watched him fly over, he wished my son a happy birthday and also encouraged him to become an astronaut. My son mentioned this in show and tell at school afterwards. I got a call from his teacher, she said she was concerned that Jeff was talking to people in space and she didn't think this was healthy, as he said it wasn't a story, but was true. I told her that yes he actually did talk to a cosmonaut. It took me awhile to convince her of that. I also remember my son working the ISS on kids day. I don't recall who was active on the ISS but he heard the kid's day call and then had a nice pass eating chat with my son! I have many more contacts with the space station I could talk about, but you get the idea. I wish the ISS occupants had the time like they used to to do more voice contacts, so everyone can experience this.
73 Jeff kb2m