Group, I spent most of my weekend working on my little SSB satellite station. I am now up and running using a FT-817 for uplink, SRDPlay with SDR Console software for downlink, Arrow antenna, and PCSat32. It was a little bit of a struggle getting all communicating but I now have it working, and even made some contacts on AO-7, and one of the XW-2 sats. (thanks WU2M for working me on three different sats this weekend) I am having an issue with calibration on using PCSat32. One of the passes this weekend I noticed I was coming down about 800 - 1200 hz above the station I was receiving, another time I was about that same amount below. I read through the help file for PCSat and the next pass I raised my uplink freq. so it would lower my freq. in the downlink bandpass. I also then had to put in a correction for my downlink frequency. After doing this, I was really close to the zero beating the station I worked. The next satellite I tried, I was off again by 1000-1500 k! Hz.
Is this something I will have to do every pass, for every satellite, or will this offset be saved in PCSat32 in the future passes. Right now I am running PCSat in Demo mode, and have paid for registration and waiting for my key to be emailed. Will things work better once I get it running as registered copy?
Thank for your time and advice.
73 Jason Rearick N3YUG