Dear All,
Hello, we have submitted the command to send Cosmic Poem at 2014-06-28 07:26:00 UTC.
All the best,
Akihiro Kubota, ARTSAT Project
On Jun 26, 2014, at 10:55 PM, ji1izr/Masahiro Sanada [email protected] wrote:
Dear all,
The ARTSAT Project team scheduled to send Cosmic Poem over Europe and North Am erica.
Please refer to the Facebook:
The announcement is: ***begin of the referred*** Schedule for the first and second performances in this weekend!
The First Performance, Europe and North Africa 2014-06-28 07:26 (UTC) June 28 2014, 09:26 (CEST) over San Sebastian (Spain) Covered major cities: London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Dublin, Copenhagen, Wars aw, Marrakesh, Tunis
The Second Performance, East/Central USA and East Canada 2014-06-28 21:26 (UTC) June 28 2014, 17:26 (EDT) over Ohio (USA) Covered major cities: New York, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Houston, K ansas City
- the schedule is subject to change.
***end of the referred***
You can hear the sample of the poem here:
de ji1izr/Masahiro
Masahiro Sanada de ji1izr Hiratsuka-city Kanagawa,Japan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
web: blog:
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