Hi Ken,
The IARU website has this info http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=565 maybe you can contact the operator to find out the likely operating schedule.
Tracking the doppler will be fun and also keeping the dish within the required 1- 2 degree pointing accuracy is also likely to be a challenge. However it appears that there may be a number of other 10GHz downlinks being planned for low earth orbit so all experience will be extremely valuable.
Graham G3VZV
On 15/06/2020 17:15, Ken Swaggart W7KKE via AMSAT-BB wrote:
In a tweet from AMSAT-UK I saw that an Estonian university will launch their TTU100 cubesat on Friday with a X-band downlink on 10465 MHz. Thought it would be an interesting challenge to aim my X-band dish with a sat TV LNB at closest point of approach and see if I can see anything on the SDR waterfall. My LNB output would be at 715 MHz and the Doppler at AOS would be approximately +533 KHz!
A couple of questions before I start configuring the equipment:
- Will the 10465 MHz downlink be on during North America passes or
only when in range of the Estonian ground station?
- What is the modulation? It's an imaging satellite so I expect it
will be high data rate.
Ken, W7KKE
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