Hi all,
For those of you who are monitoring the Delfi-C3 telemetry, here is some information on some of the abbreviations used in the RASCAL telemetry decoding software:
- OBC On Board Computer - OBM On Board MORON - MORON Malfunctioning OBC Recovery OptioN - ComBo Combination Board - EPS Electrical Power Subsystem - MeBo Measurement Board - RAP Radio Amateur Platform - ICB InterConnect Board
The average RAP 2 beacon frequency is around 145.9318 MHz. The actual frequency depends on the temperature of the transmitter. Just after leaving eclipse, when the transmitter is cold, the downlink frequency is 145.9323 MHz. While the transmitter warms up, the frequency drifts down to about 145.9313 MHz before entering eclipse again. So during an ascending pass, this downward drift adds some 500 Hz to the total observed doppler shift.
I think by now everybody will agree that Delfi-C3 is object 32789, or 2008-021G.
73, Nico PA0DLO