The AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium takes place July 29-31 at the Holiday Inn, Guildford and is Open to All.
There will be two opportunities to visit the satellite facilities at the Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) Kepler building - Registration is required, see https://amsat-uk.org/2016/07/03/registration-sstl-kepler-visit/
Libby Jackson, Astronaut Flight Education Programme Manager at the UK Space Agency, with whom the ARISS UK team worked closely during the Tim Peake mission, will be speaking during the Gala Dinner on the Saturday evening, July 30. You can book the Gala Dinner along with Day Passes at the AMSAT-UK Shop: http://shop.amsat-uk.org/
Peter Gülzow DB2OS and Achim Vollhardt DH2VA will each be giving talks on the new Geostationary Phase 4A amateur radio satellite transponders due to launch early in 2017 https://amsat-uk.org/2016/07/21/new-geostationary-transponders/
Chris Saunders, Senior Mission Concepts Engineer at SSTL will give a presentation titled SSTL: LEO, MEO, GEO and Beyond, download the schedule for the weekend via https://amsat-uk.org/colloquium/
73 Trevor M5AKA ---- AMSAT-UK http://amsat-uk.org/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AmsatUK Facebook https://facebook.com/AmsatUK YouTube https://youtube.com/AmsatUK ----