12 Jul
12 Jul
5:25 p.m.
Looking at JE9PEL's SatsList at http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/satslist.htm I see there are seven satellites listed as active with at least one of their beacons near 2.4 GHz:
14781 UO-11 2401.5 (steady carrier)
43804 Suomi-100 2410.0
43786 ITASAT-1 2400.15
43743 Reaktor Hello World 2410.0
43669 Tiayni-4 2409.0
43155 Tiayni-2 2403.0
42775 AALTO-1 2402.0
Are any of these routinely active over the western US? And, any sat beacons in the 10 GHz band?
Ken, W7KKE