On 12/13/18 11:42 AM, Ryan Noguchi via AMSAT-BB wrote:
I certainly wouldn't rule out real-time logging by hand during the pass. It may not be that difficult to position one's equipment to leave a free hand to log heard calls and grids (and identify completed QSOs) during a pass while receiving. That's exactly what I do, and I'm always pedestrian-mobile when working the satellites. Sometimes I use my car's trunk as a writing surface, but I'm carrying everything else on my person. One hand holds the antenna, and the other holds a PTT switch (for the linears) or presses the PTT switch on my earpiece only when I transmit, and writes when I'm receiving. Recording audio is fine for post-pass confirmation but provides no aid to the operator during the pass. Real-time hand-logging made a huge and immediate positive impact on my ability to work the satellites.
On Thursday, December 13, 2018, 8:50:25 AM PST, John Brier <[email protected]> wrote:
Don't forget to record at least yourself, if not the radio audio if
Also remember that the SatNOGS network might have captured your QSO:
Type "FOX" in the filter box, for instance, and pick the satellite you worked. It's a great resource, even if you are just listening.
--- Zach N0ZGO