Hi all I just bought these two antennas and I want to use them without the phaser for circular polarization.
I want to use a switch for H and V in the mast, the idea is to use it for terrestrial & satellite with vertical rotor.
I also wanted to know if routing the two coaxial cables along the boom until the horizontal crossbeam can affect the radiation diagram etc.
I have consulted with the guys from M2 and they advise to route the coaxial cables towards the end of the boom and leave them hanging, but that makes the installation very complicated and will cause the boom to go awry.
They also tell me about the possibility that VSWR does not match in UHF due to the phasing cables.
Have any of you made similar changes with M2 antennas?
This is the email exchanged with them
Hello Jose,
If you route the feedlines down the boom, the gain, pattern and VSWR will be degraded. No metal can run parallel to the elements. We recommend our L-brace kit, http://www.m2inc.com/FGLBKAM so that your coax is not hanging. One L-brace kit is required per antenna.
Additionally, if you remove all of the phasing cables, the VSWR may not match the original settings (especially for 70cm). The antenna elements are tuned specifically to counteract any interaction with the phasing cables. You may (or may not) be able to achieve a reasonable match when converted to V/H linear polarity. We have not done any engineering/testing in this configuration.
Regards, */Robert Brown, KR7O/* Marketing and Sales
73 Luis EC4TR