18 Sep
18 Sep
5:17 p.m.
OLPC produced a user-repairable (to a degree!), 2-watt laptop with built-in wifi, mesh networking, and a screen viewable indoors or out... so it's easy to see the ham radio potential. The laptops are designed for children (ages 6-12) in third-world countries, the Sugar interface is a bit awkward, and there have been some serious blunders along the way. These have dampened enthusiasm in the USA.
The official website is at www.laptop.org. Solid information is in the wiki: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Home Unofficial but useful source: http://www.olpcnews.com/
The second 'Give One, Get One' (G1,G1) program starts in November and ships through Amazon.
73, Scott N1AIA