Date: 28 May 2007 10:29 GMT From: "Zimmer Harro" Subject: RAFT Decay Prediction
The current forecast for # 29661 RAFT with the ELSETS 07147.183... - 07148.164... with SFX 065 and ap 005 shows with the special perturbation method the decay on May 30, 13:33 UTC +/- 06 hours descending over 43.64°N and 214.96°E.
Looks like we get one more shot...
Lets everyone that is interested to park their ground station pointing at AOS for RAFT and recording packets. This is a great opportunity to see the heat up of an AMSAT as it re-enters.
Do NOT bother with automatic tracking, since arrival will be much earlier than any keps you can get..
If you can APRS-IGate the packets then that is even better, sinec we can all see the telemetry then in real time.