24 Oct
24 Oct
5:42 p.m.
Hi all....well just wanted to "brag" a bit about having just worked Bruce, KE0LX via the ISS today!
That was totally cool! I think the best part about it, besides the hi-tech factor, is the efficiency of it all. By that, it is cool how SO MANY can use it at the same time...and so easily. I literally came home from work, opened the package from Buxcomm that had my MDIN cable for my FT-817ND (already had the Rascal Interface), plugged it in, hit the PKT button, loaded UISS/AGWPE and that was it.
I feel like a teenaged Novice again!
73s all...and enjoy the Conference. (I'll be listening via Echolink)
John Marranca, Jr
PBX Technician/Shop Steward CWA Local 1122
BN Systems, Inc
Orchard Park, NY