I'm looking for any simple source code in C-language for FX-614 (ax.25 decoder) for undestanding simple ax.25 protocol. I found only few asm code for PIC16, but c-lanugage is easily to adopt to other microcontrollers. I tried to connect FX614 IC like in HITSAT http://www.hit.ac.jp/~satori/hitsat/img/decord.bmp and read at RX PC port with rs232 terminal programme, but I didn't receive any useful frame with b011111110 start (like describet in ). After this I found that all modem using pin CTS on RS232 port, I don't know how to handle this with PC to read directy with rs232 RXD port like HEX or binary values to see raw values of packet frames? It is possible to read values from FX614 (through max232 ) with PC to see raw format?
So I'm looking for any simple source code in C to find how to decode signal from fx614 to microcontrollers port and then to PC
Thanks for your help
all the best Andy