24 Sep
24 Sep
11:42 p.m.
At 07:43 PM 9/24/2008, you wrote:
Well put Tim but it probably is falling on deaf ears. A lot of us that actually enjoy the FM sats have had this converstion with Dave before. Everyone and I mean everyone, wants an HEO but it doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon. Why not enjoy every possible bird up there in the meantime? 73, Michael, W4HI
Well put Michael, but please don't misunderstand...One can do anything one likes on anything in ham radio, and I do not discourage anyone from their choice....I'm only attempting to let them see the extreme enjoyment they will get by learning to use the ssb,cw birds..
That's all!!
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...