As posted last night, we are currently live with a new AMSAT website and store. Please note that all current members as well as anyone with a membership that expired in the last five years already has an account on the new website. Please do not create a new account.
When logging in the first time, enter your callsign as the user name and click "forgot password." If your email address is not on file, please email [email protected] to have your email address updated in the database.
These accounts are based on the AMSAT membership database and not on the previous AMSAT store.
If you are a new member, please use your callsign as your user name.
We have not yet worked out all the kinks with the new website, store, and integrated membership database. Please be patient with us as we work those out. This new system will open up a lot more opportunities for engagement with our membership.
Thanks and 73,
Paul Stoetzer, N8HM Secretary Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT-NA)