SSET experiments - lot of fun with 9k6 APRS !
I have always seen APRS via satellites as a great way handle communication during emergency situation:
- no 'what did you say, can please please repeat ? (digital comms) - no 'did I copy xyz correctly (no need to confirm the data) - no need to write down a message and then type it into email (all doen automatically) - not a single receiver but many (in the footprint of the satellite) - not only in the footprint, but via findu world-wide. live. - very efficient, if saying "we are all doing fine in xxx, no need for help" would take 10 seconds in SSB (voice), APRS can do this in <2 seconds.
And now it can be done even faster: With ISS in 9k6 mode this is a good opportunity to test your station & skills: * set up your radio & antenna * connect any TNC and monitor 145.825 MHz * set your SW to autoforward what you hear to the internet (Igate) ... and test if you could send a Simulated Satellite Emergence Message yourself !
Radio: 145.825 (up & downlink)
type for example :ALL :dummy text
this will send 'dummy text' to ISS, and this will be on www.ariss.net within seconds !
type for example :EMAIL :[email protected] SSET via ISS, 9k6 experimental transmission
this will send 'SSET via ISS, 9k6 experimental transmission' as normal
email to [email protected], within ~10 seonds seconds
you will see many others these days experimenting, confirm their success: 00:01:40:17 : DL8DR]APRS,RS0ISS-5*,qAS,PA3GUO::Heard :PA3GUO-8,RS0ISS-5,EA2CNC,2E0EXL,EA7AHA,G8OQW,OE1VKW,ON6MU 00:01:42:36 : G8OQW]APRS,RS0ISS-5*,ARISS,qAS,DF9CP::BLNQSL1/1:RS0ISS-5,CT1DHM,PA3GUO-8,EA2CNC,EA7AHA,DF9EY,2E0EXL,DL8DR
00:01:41:35 : PA3GUO-8]APRS,RS0ISS-5*,qAS,PA3GUO::ALL :Experimental Radio Communication via ISS: 9k6 Packet Radio 00:01:43:43 : PA3GUO-8]APRS,RS0ISS-5*,qAS,PA3GUO::EMAIL :[email protected] SSET via ISS, 9k6 experimental transmission
My setup: Kenwood TS2000 with its internal TNC running at 1200 baud + a PK96 cheap old TNC, externally at 9600 baud. Both TNC's via ALoger IGating to the internet. Single radio, dual communication channel.
Have fun - share your results via the amsat-bb !
Henk, PA3GUO http://www.pa3guo.com