I had no issue until it went offline and then came back. I believe one of the iGates near me may have went offline since the ISS APRS pause as ISS is confirming my messages however nothing is showing up on ariss.net and I can exchange messages with others. I am considering building my own APRS RX iGate from an RTLSDR and Raspberry Pi just to digipeat my own packers back to APRS.fi website
On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 7:22 PM John Brier via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I got through it on March 21st on a 12 degree pass using a TH-D72 and an Arrow:
It was hard, as I believe it is a little deaf or not decoding consistently based on past reports. Some have said it seems to be easier with Kenwood radios.
They are sending up a new Kenwood radio system soon that supports digipeater ops so don't dismiss this mode entirely!
73' John Brier KG4AKV
On Wed, Mar 25, 2020, 19:02 Steve Kristoff via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Has anyone been able to digipeat APRS through the ISS with a 5 watt HT and an Arrow antenna lately? If so, what are your secrets for success? If 5 watts and an Arrow doesn't work please let me know that, too, so I can pursue a different aspect of our hobby. thanks! Steve AI9IN Grid EM79ji Oldenburg IN 47036
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