I agree that electronic voting is, by far, the cheapest way of doing things. However, there are problems with how to insure that only 1-vote is cast and by the actual member.
Notification of an upcoming election can be made through the newsletter. But, to get everyone's attention, the announcement needs to be on the front cover and taking up at least half of that cover. Then, to insure that only 1 ballot can be cast, there needs to be some code number attached. However, if someone really wanted to find out how an individual voted, they might be able to connect the code number with that person.
To prevent this, there would have to be a random generation of the code number, but that would prevent duplication, which would then be printed on the address label. The member would then enter the code number when voting.
Also, for those members who do not have computer access (yes, there are a few), those members should be provided with a means to vote by mail such as sending in a letter with only the code number as identification.
Glen, K9STH AMSAT-239 / LM-0463 Website: http://k9sth.net
From: Devin L. Ganger [email protected] To: Eric Fort [email protected]; Mike Diehl [email protected] Cc: Clayton Coleman W5PFG [email protected]; AMSAT Mailing List [email protected]; Gabriel Zeifman [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 1:44 AM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] 2018 Corrected AMSAT Board of Directors Ballots
Concur with AF6EP. Doing electronic ballots is inexpensive. Doing them *correctly* is not.