What should the Doppler.sqf values be for AO-92 L-Band be? I'm having issue with AO-92 L-Band uplink tracking on my IC-9700. I'm guessing it has something to do with the frequency trend (Nor/Rev) setting. I've tried it set to both Nor and Rev but for some odd reason the Nor/Rev setting does not make any difference and my uplink frequency keeps dropping during the pass when it should increase? I also noticed the IC-9700 display the NOR/REV never changes according to the what the .sqf is set. I'm not sure if this is a CAT issue with the rig or me? I'm using the current IC-9700 firmware 1.11. Here is what my current .sqf is set:
AO-92,145880,1267350,FM,FM,NOR,0,0,Voice L/V
I got it to work once but manually selecting the REV on the 9700 display. But then the very next pass it didn't work?? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.