Looking for a bit of help here. In reassembling my 9600 bps ground station today for an upcoming launch I found two problems.
1) My IC910H goes into transmit on main band when I power it on, even with nothing connected. It worked fine a month ago. Using the 4/5-power on factory reset clears the settings but it still transmits when turned on. I'd appreciate any ideas of what else I can try, or - can I send it to ICOM for repair.
2) A used KPC9612+ I bought from a local guy, which worked fine a few days ago, now has a PTT problem. The PTT on pin 1 of the 15 pin 'high speed' port 2 connector is inverted. It is ground when the TNC is idle and goes off ground (not sure how far) when I send a packet. The PTT light for port two works properly, red when PTTing, but the output pin is inverted. I did note the backup battery appears dead because settings like the PC interface baud rate don't survive a power cycle, but I can't see how that should effect PTT polarity. As above, any ideas about a setting the inverted that, or - where can I send this guy for repair, would be appreciated.
These two could be related since the KPC and 910 were connected for a month or so. Perhaps one failure caused the other. Just speculating.
Thanks in advance,
Jim WD0E jim@coloradosatellite.com