22 Dec
22 Dec
2:59 p.m.
I was going to say nearly the same thing as JoAnn, but let me add a bit Raspberry Pi info by pointing you to http://burnsfisher.com/AMSAT/FoxInABox/ This includes the documents that go with the "Fox-in-a-Box" SD card in the store as well as a readme.txt file to help. Notice that you can also download the SD card image for free although it is quite large! Also note that "parts list" includes an inexpensive 2-band J-pole (Fox-1E will have a UHF downlink) and an inexpensive phantom-power preamp that can be powered by a FunCubeDongle or RTL-SDR (I think). I don't know anything about SDR-play but if that works too, great!
Good luck and thanks in advance for any telemetry you send!