What I said was not personal, it was an explanation and extension of your question as to hearing 24 GHz. I used your email as a reply to subject to mention several things in general that I thought might not be fully known since it is our first LTM and we're pretty used to talking whole satellites here.
All UW experiments must only be active over their ground station while operating Part 5, and we have a timer built into the code in order to switch out of Science Mode at or very near their LOS. This is a scheme that we started with Fox-1D, in which University of Iowa could command their science mode/dump on and it would time out around their LOS. Unfortunately, their experiment had a partial failure and the use of that feature never came to be.
I apologize for making it sound or seem personal. I climbed on your shoulders in order to shout general info at a crowd. I will be more cognizant of the appearance of any responses I write, especially in public forums.
Jerry Buxton, NØJY
On 2/29/2020 19:06, Zach Metzinger via AMSAT-BB wrote:
So nobody has heard it emit 24 GHz. Got it. That's all I was asking.
I wasn't asking either UW or AMSAT for privileged information, nor do I expect any. My interest was purely technical curiosity, as one would expect from a member of our hobby.
Much like any other (non-intelligence-organization) object in orbit, we are not prohibited from listening to any RF emitted by the satellite, even if we don't understand the content.