Clint Bradford wrote:
In that famous photo of the entire payload of satellites that included AO-51 (where AO-51 is at about at the 6:30 position - with that largee Italian engineering bird to its left), there's another satellite at about 02:30 that looks exactly like AO-51 (size and visible panels are alike).
Whose satellite is that?
Clint Bradford, K6LCS 909-241-7666 _______________________________________________
There is a second one hidden behind the main payload. Those are Aprizesat-1 and -2, aka Latinsat C and D. They belong to a SpaceQuest related company, hence the common appearance to AO-51. The tall guy upfront is Saudisat-2. The hex shaped sat is Unisat-3 that was operating in the ham bands, but was never opened for general use or telemetry formats published. It was said to have a V/U repeater capability when coordinated. The small AO-51 sized satellite with the smaller sized solar cells is SaudiComsat1 (or 2) and the second one is also hidden behind the main payload, Demeter.
73, Drew KO4MA