The LATMOS team has programmed the UVSQ-SAT satellite to go into transponder mode on Sunday, September 12, 2021 starting at 12:00 UTC. The transponder will be active during 11 consecutive hours.
From September 11th 12:00 UTC, an ASCII message will be broadcast to announce that the transponder mode will be activated. To decode the message, you can use the UVSQ-SAT Decoder software: ApplicationUVSQsatDecoder/src/site/markdown/UserManual.md · 21-ecr-uvsqsat · xtof / JOSAST · GitLab (electrolab.fr) https://code.electrolab.fr/xtof/josast/-/blob/21-ecr-uvsqsat/ApplicationUVSQsatDecoder/src/site/markdown/UserManual.md
Frequencies used :
- Telemetry : - 437.020 MHz - BPSK - GR3UH 9k6 - FM Transponder : - Uplink frequency: 145.905 MHz - Downlink frequency: 437.020 MHz
More information on the satellite: UVSQsat (amsat-f.org) http://amsat-f.org/AMSATLIST/SatellitePage/UK/47438UVSQsat.html and project : UVSQ-SAT (ipsl.fr) http://uvsq-sat.projet.latmos.ipsl.fr/