I would like to offer my Yaesu FT-847 for sale. I purchased this radio new in 1998. It is an early model but does accept computer control. I waited till the com port issues were resolved before I purchased mine. It has been back to Yaesu maybe once for an alignment, no problems I just thought it would be a good idea. I'm not having any problems with it, but have replaced it with an Icom C-9100 and just don't use it anymore.. Here is what you will get. 1 one owner FT-847 in nice condition. 1 FC-20 HF/6M antenna tuner 1 YF-112S-02 SSB filter 1 Symek TNC3S 1 hand mic 1 Yaesu MD-100 desk mic
Original Manual, and box for the 847. Various cables to hook it all together. The 847 has the Symek 64k baud wide front end mod. This doesn't affect the normal performance as it is a just an isolated tap off of the RX front end that has its own wide receiver. It allows you to receive 38k4 baud packet.
I'm asking $900.00 for the entire package shipped insured CONUS. Outside the CONUS I will calculate actual shipping costs, minus estimated CONUS. Also I will donate 10% of the net profit from the sale and apply to the AMSAT program of the purchasers choice....
73 Jeff kb2m