I’m about ready to try two Arrows as well and recently made phasing lines following Marks article referred to in another post. If the wx ever improves so I can get outside and set up my portable lakeside summer station here in the Poconos I’ll let everyone know how it performs.
I made a nonconductive 6.5’ cross-boom out of a piece of 2 pieces of telescoping pvc with a wooden dowel in the center to further improve rigidity. I actually originally made it 10’ and it held up for years at the home qth. I no longer need it there so I cut it down for this new installation.
Phasing lines are cut to quarter wave multiples and I used my RigEpert in making these. They are tricky as you have to allow for the connector and the T adapter length so the phasing lines have to be cut a little shorter than a multiple of 1/4 wave. Hopefully mine are close enough.
I will try mounting the two antennas at 90 degrees and see what happens. I’ll then try at maybe 45 degrees each with the angles pointing into one another.
73s Rick, W2JAZ