An EE Times article reports that industry interests are casting covetous eyes on the Amateur Radio Terra Hertz (THz) allocations.
The article "Ultrawideband under the gun" in EE Times says on page 2: ---- A presentation from AT&T Labs called on the group to raise its voice against spectrum allocation plans in Europe that could shut Wi-Fi out of the 275 GHz to 1 THz bands.
"The best terahertz spectrum is being carved up among science, satellite and amateur radio interests. The give-away of this precious spectrum is unexpected, capricious and irreconcilable with the evolution of future broadband wireless networks," David Britz of AT&T said in his presentation. ----
David Britz Powerpoint slides which make numerous references to Amateur Radio's use of Terahertz frequencies can be downloaded from
Report with further links at http://www.southgatearc.org/news/october2007/ultrawideband_under_the_gun.htm
73 Trevor M5AKA --------------- Daily Amateur Radio RSS News: http://www.southgatearc.org/ Email your news items to: editor at southgatearc.org
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