I forgot to mention I also have mast mount pre-amps for all bands included in the deal. I've had many requests to ship the antennas, or break out the rotor, etc. The antennas have been up for over 15 years and probably can't be dis-assembled. If I don't sell/donate the whole package I will keep the rotor, and be forced to scrap all the big Yagi's. I have room for a small antenna system I already have(a new in the box Cushcraft AOP-1 set) that I can use with the rotor and small tower at my urban home in NJ near Philadelphia. I would love to see this system put to use donated to a school as a teaching aid....
73 Jeff KB2M
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Jeff KB2M [email protected] wrote:
I sold my OceanView NJ property and now have to dismantle my satellite antenna system located there. I have available for free several antennas that would be of interest to a sat op. This would include a KLM 2M-22c, a KLM 435-40CX (both with a shack controlled polarity switching system) , a DS 1.2 gig 55 loop Yagi, and several dishes, 2.4 gig to 2m d/c, 2.4 gig pre amp, 2.4 gig RX ant, etc. All for free, OR, if you dismantle and pick the whole package up I will add a mini tower, Fiberglas cross boom and Yaesu G-5500 rotor with all cables for $375. OR I will donate the whole package for free to a University, all they would have to do is pickup. OR, if someone were to pick the entire package up and sell all or part of it, I would ask that 50% of the net from the sale be donated to AMSAT. There is a picture of the antennas mounted at my Comcast home page.
If needed, I could take some more detailed pictures next time I go down there.