This comes from F1FRV and F5PBG, with help from the Google translator. The original can be found here: http://f1frv.free.fr/main6_Reglementation.html
Given the Telecommunications Code of the French Republic, the Guidelines 2011/01/52/CE views of the European Parliament dated 20/01/2011, to the European Directive 2010/12/25681a/CE Commission (Telecommunications Division) of 25/03/2011, The TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY DECIDES:
S.1: GENERAL - Any holder of a license of the amateur radio service is required to publicize the location thereof, so that neighbors can know the origin of potential interference.
S.2: FORM - The information will be made with panels of size and content regulated by this decision (item 5).
S.3: PANEL MAIN - A main panel will be affixed outside the building near the main entrance for apartment buildings, and the entrance to the property for single family homes .
S.4: SIDE PANELS - Four more panels called secondary, identical in size, are arranged in lines of communication to the north, east, south and west of the station, in an area determined by two concentric circles, minimum radius 20 meters, 60 meters maximum, the center of the circles found to be the main antenna of the station. In case the size of the property would exceed that of the larger circle, the side panels would be placed on the property line, in the four cardinal directions indicated and close channels of communication.
S.5: SPECIFICATION - Each panel will have the form of a rectangle, the longest side being horizontal. It must be made of aluminum or stainless steel sheet and background characters in enamel paint, baked. (ISO 6996). The plastics are not accepted. All panel-substrate should withstand winds of 150 km / h for a day. (Rhone Valley, recommended value: 220 km / h). Dimensions: Width: 1 meter (+ or - 1 cm) Height: 0.33 meters. (+ or - 1 cm). The type of characters will be the model, namely "STICK" (NF). Any other type of character is prohibited. Character height: 0.05 meters (+ or - 1 mm). Line width: 0.01 meters (+ or - 1 mm). Character color: dark blue or black. Background: white.
S.6: TEXT - Each panel must include, obligatorily capitalized on four lines, the following: 1st line: AREA OF DISTURBANCE - 2nd line: WIRELESS - 3rd line: RISK OF INTERFERENCE - 4th line: ELECTRONIC. It will also include, on the left a pictograph of a transmitting antenna, and a rectangle for displaying the information of the owner of the station.
S.7: AMATEUR RADIO LICENSE - Must appear in the space provided for this purpose, in a rectangle 10 centimeter by 7 centimeters, located as shown on the model annexed to this decision, in uppercase characters to upper dimension (1 centimeter or more) that of other indications panel. A photographic document in Annex specifies the layout of text, the symbol, and the rectangle for displaying the information of the owner of the station.
S.8: LOCATION OF SIGNS, LIGHTING - Each main panel or secondary, immovably fixed, must be legible, the bottom must be located at least 1.50 m above the ground and up to 2 meters. Night lighting will be installed if the lighting does not allow reading at night.
S.9: DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGES - The purchase of signs, their installation, maintenance (including keeping them clean whatever the weather conditions) and their possible replacement is in charge of the holder of the license.
S.10: PRESENCE AND MAINTENANCE - Any sign missing, damaged, illegible, ill-disposed may give rise to these minutes and immediate precautionary measures (prohibition of license issue, confiscation of equipment, dismantling of antennas at the expense of the licensee), without prejudice to the penalties provided for in Article 14.
S.11: REMEDIES OF THIRD PARTIES, TAX AUDIT - Any resident of the area within a circle of 1 km in diameter whose center is the antenna of the station in question, and alleging an experience of interference, may request to ART, without charge, the cessation of transmissions, pending the technical checks of agents. These checks will take place within a maximum of six months, beyond which the owner of the station will resume transmitting. These checks, whether or not they find interference, will cause the payment of a fee by the holder of the license. The amount of this check is set annually by decree of the Ministry of Finance at € 812.37 including tax in the year 2011.
S.12: NOTIFICATION OF ART - Each holder of an amateur license will be required to send by registered mail with return receipt requested, within a period of one month from the date of this Decision, a file containing: - the station's location on a map IGN 25000th - the precise location of the station and five regulatory signs on a detailed plan of his neighborhood, the photo of the main panel in place with its night lights, accompanied by a bailiff stating the exact location of said panel. - A solemn declaration of the establishment of subpanels.
S.13: CONTROL - The sworn officers of the Regulatory Authority (ART) and the National Frequencies Agency (ANF), and the police and gendarmerie are responsible for the verification of the installation of the panels and their conformity to the model described in Article 5 and Annex hereto.
S.14: SANCTIONS - license bans issued, confiscation of equipment (without VAT refund), fines and prison sentences are those specified in Telecommunications Code, namely from 6000 to 36000 F (915 to 5496 €) for a subsequent offense with imprisonment from eight days to six months, and a lifetime ban on use of transmitters, of whatever nature, including radio remote controls, TV zapper, and mobile phones.
S.15: ANNEX, MODEL - A model panel is attached as a photograph to this decision. The required text, layout, the pictogram of the transmitting antenna, as well as the location for the display indicative of the owner of the station are clearly visible. Any sign not complying with this model will be considered non-existent.
S.16: APPLICATION PUBLICATION - This decision will be applicable immediately published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic, April 1, 2011.
Done at PARIS, 7 Square Max Hymans, April 1, 2011
Signed, The Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications