To match the Raydel's idea of the Cuban's Satellite setup...
I have write an article in my blog with some pictures of my satellite setup...
In short (more description and pictures on the blog)
Radios: - 70 cm channelized Kenwood TK860 - 2m Alinco DR-130T with subtone module...
Antennas: - 2m Jpole at 12 meters from the ground with 30m of Heliax LDF-4 50 Ohms cable - 2m DK6ZB kind 28 ohms Yagui with 3 elements (~9 dBi) homebrewed in an Arrow style with the 70cm yagui in building process... - 70cm 6 element DK7ZD kind yagui for 70cm (~17dBi)
I use a PC headset with phones and mic, the mic is for the 2m Alinco and the phones for the kenwood...
El 15/02/13 10:45, Raydel Abreu Espinet escribió:
I want to share with the group a picture of my ultra light weight Portable Satellite Station. This minimum configuration was being tested on yesterday SO-50 pass (Feb. 14, 01:20 UTC) on my roof. Sometimes I use better antennas (an arrow or a 70cm yagi, 2m 5/8 vertical) while operating portable, but when transporting a yagi or an arrow antenna is difficult I use this low efficient but yet capable light weight system that fits on my backpack.
You can see the picture here:
From left to right:
- Channelized Kenwood TK-270(G) for 2m Uplink with a homebrew telescopic whip.
- Hearphone with mic for improve the listening of weak and noisy signals, taken from my computer and modified to fitting both TX radio and RX connections.
- Ultra Light Weight Antenna for 70cm, not too efficient on low elevation but it works great on higher than 20 degrees passes.
- 12 Volt lead-acid battery, taken from my UPS when it stop to hold the enough amount of current, but it is still long enough for receiving during many hours.
- My beloved treasure. AOR AR-3000A+ Communication Scanner, All Modes from 0.1 MHz to 2036 MHz. A fellow ham enthusiastic of vacuum tubes radios decided this receiver was too much complex for him, and I didn't wait a minute to buy it from him.
Raydel, CM2ESP, EL83sc _______________________________________________ Sent [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: