Hi all,With the many posts regarding "Sputnik" and how it inspired so many into space,astronomy and our hobby.These days so many schools are participating with link ups with the ISS and of course education and science etc. (STEM).It reminded me of how the launch of "Sputnik" here in the UK became a leading light for schools thanks to efforts and work by the lateGeoff Perry ( MBE ) and Derek Slater.They were teachers at "Kettering Grammar School " in the era of the Sputniks and inspired and involved pupils in the tracking of satelliteswhen very little information was available.Thanks top the work of Geoff and Derek they went on to become players in the work and made headline news.You might like to do a web search about "Kettering Grammar School " and its achievements, it may also inspire the schools involvedin "STEM " and the role of amateur radio today.RegardsKen EatonGW1FKY