Hi Bob!
AO-7 seems "stuck" in mode B. This is not a bad thing. Anyone know, how, why etc.
Stuck? It looks like it was in mode A yesterday, and - based on the posts at http://oscar.dcarr.org/ - switched back to mode B around 2200-2300 UTC yesterday. In a few hours, we'll know if it goes back to mode A or stays in B.
I wish it would stay in mode B for another week and a half, so it would be available every day of my upcoming trip. ;-) But if it is back to switching between modes A and B, I will work around that. I'm open to schedules for contacts stretching the AO-7 footprint (as well as stretching HO-68 and FO-29 footprints) when I'm up in Canada. Parts of Europe are possible from Vancouver Island, and I'd like to see if I can improve on my personal best for a long-distance satellite QSO (over 6700km, from an AO-7 QSO in May between Dayton OH and OZ1MY).
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/