I notice that the OLPC comes with one year free T-mobile wireless access.
Am about to purchase. The fine print says: - No support. No service. BLOGGS will help you. - You are part of a mission, not a customer - BOGO from 12 to 26 November only.
Questions: Is there an implication here, that after this initial offering, that these will not be sold to USA students and kids? That these are only for 3rd world? That there will be some kind of limit to keep afluent kids out of the program?
I assume not. Because all this program needs is VOLUME production and the way to get that is to sell to everyone. And besides, they need lots of talented kids develping software to raise the overall open-software collective value.
Can anyone shed light on this? Rather than buying my kids a flufffed up bloated windows laptop, I'd rather get them an OLPC to support the program and so they can learn the big picture and contribute to the collective education of the world. I assume it will have a word processor, a browser, a spreadsheet, a drawing program and other basic tools.
Big picture? Will American schools be fully participating?