12 Dec
12 Dec
8:37 p.m.
IARU has been successfull in obtaining new global Amateur Service allocations such as 135 kHz and 7.1-7.2 kHz, however, the Amateur Satellite Service seems to have been forgotten. 7.0-7.1 is okay for sats but 7.1-7.2 isn't, Why? is the question that has to be asked.
Currently IARU is attempting to get an Amateur Service allocation at 500kHz - should they also be getting that band for the Amateur Satellite Service as well ?
Given the significant input of the ARRL into IARU perhaps amsat-bb members in NA could remind ARRL that, where possible, new Amateur allocations should be obtained for BOTH the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services not just the Amateur Service.
73 Trevor M5AKA