Congratulations to those who came in 1-3 and are now board members and Howie who is first alternate.
I am deeply grateful for all who supported my candidacy.
My place in this notwithstanding, I feel it makes little sense for me to be second alternate given this seems likely to cause conflict of interest recusals in my position with ARDC. I would have dealt with he pain of it had I been elected to the board or been first alternate. Jeff Johns also ran so this move by me doesn't leave AMSAT without a second alternate.
I wish the organization well in its endeavors.
My life membership continues and I have a new amateur satellite system under construction at my retirement home in Alabama and I expect to be active soon since I have constructed the M2 crossed yagis, received the Yaesu AZ/EL rotator and expect my Q5 to arrive this Fall. My new satellite tracking software package written in Golang is well underway and I hope I can get people to try it soon.
73s Bob N4HY