I am asked by Alexander Zaitev RW3DZ of the Izmiran Institute, in Troitsk outside Moscow, Russia, to publicise his proposed "Nanosputnik" Cubesat “Polar Lights”.
FYI the Izmiran Institute made the first spaceborne magnetometer, on Sputnik-3 in 1958. It is at:
RW3DZ recently referred to the Nanosputnik Cubesat in a blog at:
and on his website at
He is establishing a team within the promotion of amateur radio to young people around the RK3DKB club’s shack at Troitsk. John G7HIA and I were welcomed there last Sunday.
The Nanosputnik is proposed to be built on a 10cm Cubesat frame and to weigh 1 Kg. Command uplink will be in 2 metres and data downlink at various data rates in 70cms, there are precise frequencies given but it is probably unwise for me to give them out at this stage as the satellite is not built yet and I do not know whether IARU frequency coordination has been undertaken. There may be an experimental 5 GHz beacon.
The proposed payload is a unique magnetometer which will detect fluctuations along the flux lines of the magnetosphere and will be oriented along the flux lines within 1 degree by an on-board GLONASS/GPS.
Data sampling will be 1 observation/second and he is interested in downloading every quarter orbit into the GENSO network.
There is also scope for a CCD camera and cosmic ray detector.
Orbital life is estimated as 3 years with rechargeable batteries and a solar panel charging system.
I do not have any information about launch opportunities.
John G7HIA and I will continue to work with RW3DZ and will bring any other information we have to this bb as we get it, although we are not responsible for this Nanosputnik in any way whatsoever.
73 de andy G0SFJ
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